Cheap Trick & Rod Stewart at Pine Knob. So many great songs, where to start. Oh, with arguably the “greatest live rock n roll band” as they introduced themselves. Robin Zander single handed saved my faith in an aging rock singer. His pipes were on, his son is in the band also and covered “the one high note” at the end of the flame. But seriously, I couldn’t stay seated. Dance and rock that’s what we did from the start of the show at 7:30 until the bitter end. Of course, Cheap Trick played the favorites, Surrender, I Want You to Want Me, but I really lost my shit over Dream Police. You know there are just some tunes that really get ya… well, they are in my head.
Rod the Mod, he is a historian of global and American culture. Last time we saw him was the American Songbook tour (he’s a Scottish man who understands the value of our music & it’s greater contribution to everyone’s culture everywhere.) He had a fun group… seriously felt like a Princess Cruises revue of Rod. Six talented women playing instruments, dancing & singing flanked him at all times and a great guitars & rhythm section too. (Did I mention harp?) How about the nods to his Celtic heritage and the dancing… soccer balls and acoustic stripped down front on the stage connecting with the audience… or the fact that every song was a huge hit. So fun, so glad we went. Thanks Rod!